Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Massage As Alternative Therapy For Arthritis

There are numerous medical benefits we can get from a massage. For people who are suffering from arthritis, a well-implemented massage can bring relief to the pain constantly feel. Benefits of massage for arthritis, more and more people are turning into massage to control the pain and stress caused by arthritis. All throughout the years, many studies and researchers shows that massage is an effective alternative therapy for arthritis. In a recent survey conducted by National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, massage is found to be one of the most popular complementary therapies used by Americans.

Regardless of the setting, massage is something that many of us use in order to relieve our sore muscles and joints, to promote better sleep and to ease stress and anxiety. Recent research suggests that a well-implemented massage can help increase the production of certain hormones that are linked to heart rate, blood pressure, anxiety and other vital signs. But how massage can help in easing the pain caused by arthritis?

Massage and Arthritis

The consistent massage of the joints and muscles, either by a licensed professional therapist at a posh Claremont massage or by a self massage at the comfort of your home can lead to a major decline in pain for people who are suffering arthritis.  According the research conducted Touch Research Institute at the University Of Miami School Of Medicine spearheaded by Dr. Tiffany Field, regular use of massage as an alternative therapy for arthritis can lead to the decrease of pain and stiffness, improve the range of motion, increases the strength of hand grip and the overall functions of the joints.

How Does Massage Work?

It has been established that massage can effectively reduce the pain and anxiety of the people who are suffering arthritis. But how exactly does massage works to relieve pain and anxiety? The use of regular massage can effectively lower the body’s production cortisol and increases the production of serotonin. Cortisol is the hormone that causes stress and anxiety, while serotonin is a hormone that promotes a good mood. Serotonin is in fact known as a happy hormone.
Also, massage can help in reducing production of the neurotransmitter substance P which is associated with pain.

There are many types of massage which you can use to ease the symptoms of arthritis. Visit a professional therapist at Claremont massage to know which type of massage is best for you.